On October 26-27, 2017, by order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan from 17.03.2017, in National Conservatory of Azerbaijan took place I International Scientific-Practical Conference “Music Traditions in a Globalizing World”.

In scientific–practical conference participated more than 70 scientists and young musicians from Japan, Canada, United States, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey and Azerbaijan. It should be pointed out that Azerbaijan, ANAS. ANC, BMA, ASUCA, ASPU took an active part in conference.

The conference became consist of 5 sections each of which includes “Protective mechanisms of music traditions and functional systems”, “Music tradition as a sign and symbols of cultural identity”, “National musical traditions and interaction contemporary creativity”, “Modern research approaches in ethnoushics”, “Eclectic (hybrid, symbiotically), music genre and updates the style and multi-cultural essence.

The opening ceremony was an exhibition of ancient national musical instruments, guests and conference participants will be provided sourcebook scientific-practical conference.

During the conference took place concerts of the American performs Jefri Verbakh and students of ANC. Participants was presented certificates.


Conference requirements pdf  
Agenda for the Conference
Materials of the first international scientific-practical conference

“Musical traditions in a globalizing world”

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